Leigh and James packed their trunks...

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Transition Time in Peru

After Colombia, we traveled back to the states to spend Christmas in South Carolina with Leigh’s mom before heading off to darkest Peru. During nearly two years on the road we would make three trips back to the States. Besides catching up with loved ones, this was a great opportunity to change out clothes, leave things we weren’t using, and stock up on home comforts.

On December 27, 2017 we arrived in Lima. Peru–and more specifically Arequipa–was one of the places on our list that met most of our criteria for long-term relocation, so we were excited to explore the country. Arriving in Peru was a real adjustment as we were back living at a high altitude for the first time since our initial stay in Ecuador. Operating at in the thinner air initially makes you feel extremely unfit as even a short walk leaves you panting.

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Veggie Food, Long Dog Walks, Lakes for Days

So you know how we said in our last post that we were really committed to keeping the blog updated? Yeah, well, hopefully this time we’ll keep our word and catch up all the way to the present day, which is June 20, 2019 for the record!

After two and a half months in Ecuador, our next destination was Colombia and our third (and what turned out to be final) Workaway, to help out in a vegetarian cafe in a small lakeside town.

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Coastal Community

One of the surprising things about travelling is how quickly time passes. We’ve been on the road nine months now and it really has flown by. We’ve also been terrible at keeping the blog updated but are now committed to catching up. No, really!

We spent October and November of 2017 in San Alejo, Ecuador doing our second Workaway. As we explained in our last post, this program has you volunteering part-time in exchange for room and board. We loved spending our days helping out at The Cottages by the Sea in this tiny community that runs for less than a mile long along the coast.

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Our first Workaway

Our next stop in Ecuador was Cuenca, which is in the Andean highlands at 8,200 feet. We spent most of our two and a half weeks on a farm outside of the city at the foot of the Cajas mountains.

Our time on the farm came courtesy of Workaway — an organization that helps pair travelers like us with people who want to host a cultural exchange.

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Galapagos Adventure

One significant element of our trip to the Galapagos was boats. Also learning a new definiton of the word “ferry”.  In the United States ferries are generally big boats – often big enough for cars.  In the Galapagos ferries were small, with a capacity of 40 people max. We took a ferry from the airport where our luggage travelled on the boat’s roof and a ferry to the island where we started our cruise which was of course, on a boat. For Leigh who gets easily motion sick, all of these boat rides were a testament to the power of the Scopamine patch.  Even in the roughest seas her stomach stayed calm.

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First Impressions, Quito

Quito was the first stop on our (at least) year-long adventure in South America and probably a good place to start. Ecuadoran Spanish is fairly easy to understand, they use US dollars, and the electrical plugs are the same.

Overall Quito was a city of friendly people. From Josef, our waiter in the first place we ate, who explained all the new dishes and how lunch is done in Ecuador — always with soup; to Leigh’s former ESL students who showed us the town; to Pedro the taxi driver who went to great lengths to return James’s cell phone after it was left in his taxi; to the restaurant staff who helped us figure out how to get the cell phone back – we had so many lovely encounters.

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“We’re moving to South America!” How many times have we said this since deciding to make this life change? And now we have! After living more than 25 years in Washington DC we have left our beloved city and even more beloved friends and family to set off on an adventure.


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