One significant element of our trip to the Galapagos was boats. Also learning a new definiton of the word “ferry”. In the United States ferries are generally big boats – often big enough for cars. In the Galapagos ferries were small, with a capacity of 40 people max. We took a ferry from the airport where our luggage travelled on the boat’s roof and a ferry to the island where we started our cruise which was of course, on a boat. For Leigh who gets easily motion sick, all of these boat rides were a testament to the power of the Scopamine patch. Even in the roughest seas her stomach stayed calm.
Month: September 2017 (page 1 of 1)
Quito was the first stop on our (at least) year-long adventure in South America and probably a good place to start. Ecuadoran Spanish is fairly easy to understand, they use US dollars, and the electrical plugs are the same.
Overall Quito was a city of friendly people. From Josef, our waiter in the first place we ate, who explained all the new dishes and how lunch is done in Ecuador — always with soup; to Leigh’s former ESL students who showed us the town; to Pedro the taxi driver who went to great lengths to return James’s cell phone after it was left in his taxi; to the restaurant staff who helped us figure out how to get the cell phone back – we had so many lovely encounters.